A Healthy Gut is Key to Optimal Health

Aug 1, 2023

Your gut microbiome is comprised of trillions of bacteria living in your small and large intestines. The bacteria in your gut impacts practically everything about your health. Without healthy bacteria in your gut, you cannot thrive and be healthy. Your gut bacteria impacts your immune system and how well it is or isn’t functioning, how your body and mind respond to stress, how much fat you store and how you store it, the presence or lack of chronic disease in your body, and so much more.

In fact, 80% of your immune system resides in your gut. Therefore, if your gut isn’t healthy and functioning properly, your health will suffer. The good news is that through a holistic health approach, you can ensure your gut is functioning optimally and you are therefore experiencing vibrant, optimal health.

A healty gut

Sometimes it can be obvious if our gut is not functioning optimally but other times it may not be quite as clear. There are a few signs and symptoms to watch for to know whether your gut is functioning properly. First, digestive issues, such as gas and bloating are a pretty good indicator that your gut microbiome is suffering. This is probably the most obvious issue or symptom. A little less obvious sign is skin issues. Anything from acne to eczema can be a sign that your gut health is off. Additionally, poor gut health can show up as food sensitivities.

If you feel your gut health may be compromised, there are tests that can be run in our clinic to help get a better understanding of what might be going on at a deeper level. Here at Mitchell Holistic Health, our functional medicine practitioner, Claire, uses a functional medicine approach in helping you to heal by getting to the root cause of your issues.


Once you have a better understanding of the health of your gut microbiome, you can be on your road to healing or maintaining. Optimal gut health starts with our diet. However, many lifestyle factors influence the health of our gut including our stress levels, exercise, and sleep, to name a few. Focusing your nutrition on whole food choices and staying away from processed foods is one of the best ways we can support the health of our gut. Additionally, there are also foods we can put greater emphasis on if healing our gut is a priority. 

Here are top 10 foods for healing your gut:

  1. Bone broth- contains collagen and gelatin, which are both very powerful in helping to promote optimal digestion and intestinal function. 
  2. Coconut- can be consumed in the form of coconut milk, cream, oil, or unsweetened flakes and has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. This makes coconut a very powerful food for healing gut issues related to SIBO, Candida, and parasites. 
  3. Peppermint- has compounds and properties in it that make it very useful for relieving IBS and other gastrointestinal issues. 
  4. Raspberries- contain lots of dietary fiber, which is very helpful for preventing gut-related issues like constipation. 
  5. Fermented Foods- such as raw sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, and dairy-free yogurt contain healthy bacteria to help re-populate your gut bacteria. 
  6. Salmon or other fatty fish- contain omega 3 fatty acids, which are helpful for reducing inflammation and increasing healthy gut bacteria.  Make sure to look for wild-caught to ensure you’re getting the most omega-3’s!
  7.  Lemon- contains vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen production. Collagen is necessary for optimal gut barrier function. 
  8. Ginger- can be helpful for relieving symptoms related to IBS and helps support optimal digestion. Ginger tea can be a great post-meal drink to aid in digestion.
  9. Turmeric- contains a compound, curcumin, which is helpful in preventing or treating leaky gut. 
  10. Apple Cider Vinegar- has antimicrobial properties. Additionally, it can help to increase the level of HCL in your body, which helps aid with proper nutrient absorption and digestion. 

Overall, it is important to understand that without a healthy, functioning gut, we are not able to thrive. A compromised microbiome causes an abundance of issues and having healthy gut bacteria starts with what we decide to put in our mouths. Our nutrition is the foundation for optimal gut health and optimal gut health is key for living a vibrant, healthy life.  

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