How to Stop Overeating

Mar 15, 2023

Do you find yourself eating quickly, in stressful situations, or binging TV? Some of those habits cause us to overeat which can lead to many negative health effects. In this blog, we will dive into why we overeat and how we can stop overeating. 

The following are the top seven causes of overeating 

  1. Eating while watching TV
    • When you are not mindful of your food and paying attention to the amount you’re eating, it is easy to overeat. Try to not be distracted when you consume food! 
  2. Eating foods that make you hungrier
    • If you consume foods with little to no nutritional value; especially sugary foods, refined carbs, and artificial sweeteners; your blood sugar will spike which will cause you to feel hungry. 
  3. Colder temperatures increase hunger
    • Consuming calories serves to warm the body up. While in colder temperatures, your body has the urge to consume more calories to make you feel warmer on the inside. Find warmer places to eat or sit in the sun and eat. 
  4. Not eating enough regularly
    • If you restrict calories or binge eat, your body won’t be on a consistent eating schedule, which can lead to overeating. 
  5. You’re stressed
    • During stressful moments, you are more likely to crave unhealthy, fatty foods. Research shows that women are more affected by stress eating than men. 
  6. You’re not paying attention to your food
    • Same as eating while watching TV, if you show mindfulness to your food and focus on eating, you will become full and eat the amount that your body needs. 
  7. You’re eating bigger portion sizes
    • Portion sizes have been increasing since the 1970s and it is not stopping. Restaurants serve bigger plates with more food, baked goods are larger, and sugary coffee drinks are getting taller. Studies show that when portion sizes increase, we overeat more often. 

How can we stop overeating? 

There are several things to be mindful of when trying to combat overeating. Here is a list of six ways you can stop overeating. 

  1. Eat nutrient-dense foods
    • Nutrient-dense foods are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which leave your body feeling good after eating. These added nutritious values also are more filling.
  2. Eat more healthy fats
    • Healthy fats can signal to our brains that we are full, reducing cravings and the urge to overeat. 
  3. Reduce stress levels
    • Activities like yoga, journaling, and exercise can reduce stress levels. When stress levels decrease, cortisol levels decrease as well. It is shown that high levels of cortisol can lead to fat accumulation in the abdomen.  
  4. Incorporate natural appetite suppressants like high-fiber and spicy foods
    • Natural appetite suppressants include high-fiber foods like chia seeds and legumes, hot spices like turmeric and cayenne, as well as grapefruit essential oils. 
  5. Eat more mindfully
    • Mindful eating is the opposite of emotional eating. Making eating a more thoughtful process helps our brain sense fullness. Pay attention to when you’re actually hungry, not just when you feel like you should be eating due to external cues.  
  6. Keep track of what you’re eating
    • If you tend to overeat, consider starting a food journal to identify problem spots. You can use this to tally up your daily meals and snacks to see your eating patterns. 

Next steps… 

Consider these tips and try to apply them to your life. Maybe you will notice less stress and less overeating! 

If you want to meet with Claire to talk about your personal nutrition lifestyle, contact the clinic to set up an appointment! 

📱(608) 313-5252



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