Heal Naturally & Completely

We offer physical therapy, functional medicine, and life coaching services that focus on the ‘why’ behind your concerns. Our goal is to help you find healing and freedom from constant & ongoing health issues.


We are so glad you’ve chosen Mitchell Holistic Health for your health & wellness needs. Our goal is to address the whole person by offering physical therapy, functional medicine, and life coaching services all in one clinic.

functional medicine Services

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Physical Therapy Services

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Life Coaching Services

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Physical Therapy

Expert in Natural Pain Relief

We don’t just treat your symptoms. We treat you and the ‘why’ behind your symptoms. We approach your healing by drawing upon our training, own experiences, and expertise in order to provide you with solutions that work. Our approach incorporates:

Thorough mechanical assessments of your movement

Solutions that combine exercise & nutrition

Treatment that helps you live a pain free & fully functional life

Functional medicine

Focusing on the Whole Person

You are more than a set of symptoms that seem to be random and disconnected. Our approach helps you identify where your pain is stemming from and addresses your concerns by optimizing your entire health. In particular, our approach includes:

A proactive approach rooted in functional medicine

Providing an ongoing plan of support & accountability

Partnering with you to uncover & address what is really going on in your body

Life Coaching

Launching you to Success

We work hard to help you reach your full potential in your health, relationships, career, and life. Our approach empowers you achieve your goals through mindset, wellness, or Christian life coaching. Every session incorporates:

Powerful questions that motivate you 

Whole-hearted support to keep you accountable and encouraged

Practical and tangible steps to get you to success and fulfilment in life

Google Reviews

  • Make sure to check out the workshops that Claire offers at Mitchell Holistic Health! A couple of weeks ago she hosted a workshop about Essential Oils. It was... read more

    Jennifer Hatz Avatar Jennifer Hatz
    May 11, 2022

    I've had chronic hip pain for many years and Philip has been helping me feel so much better through physical therapy in my low back.

    Julia Holum Avatar Julia Holum
    August 10, 2022

    I hurt my knee back in February but never got it looked at. Well fast forward to May when I hurt it again (partial menisus tear). I scheduled an appointment... read more

    Laura Hundt Avatar Laura Hundt
    July 11, 2022
  • Claire Mitchell led me through a functional medicine journey for the last 3 months and I could not have done it without her! She advised, she guided, she encouraged and... read more

    Hollie Mangrum Avatar Hollie Mangrum
    July 11, 2022

    I have a lingering rash which I acquired with Covid two years ago. The rash causes intense itching, and medicated salve only helps for a short time. For... read more

    Therese P Avatar Therese P
    August 7, 2022

    I am so glad that my doctor recommended I meet with Phillip for my shoulder pain. Phillip is professional, knowledgeable, easy to talk to, and actually diagnosed my issue much... read more

    Sarah Pederson Avatar Sarah Pederson
    June 11, 2022
  • I have received wonderful care and guidance in physical therapy and am pleased with the progression of my shoulder pain.

    Sandy Sesvold Avatar Sandy Sesvold
    March 11, 2022

    Phillip did a great job of accessing my condition and sending me home with things to help me help myself! I recommend Phillip to many of my own patients... read more

    Lance Wulf Avatar Lance Wulf
    July 21, 2022

    Prior to seeing Phillip, my knee ached while driving, sleeping, and most of the day with occasional painful clicks. I felt a lack of stability while doing some movements and... read more

    February 11, 2022

Where Do I Start?

Which route is best for me? 

Are You Experiencing:

Chronic back pain

A recent injury that you need to have addressed

Joint pain (neck, elbow, wrist, ankle, etc.)

Migraines or headaches

Tendonitis, arthritis, other kinds of sprains

Are You Experiencing:

Ongoing digestive issues 

Menstrual cycle concerns

Fatigue, hair loss, or temperature sensitivity

Thyroid concerns (hyper or hypothyroid)

Brain fog or other mood-related concerns

Are You Experiencing:

Feelings of being ‘stuck’ in life

Yo-yo dieting with no progress

Concerns related to what’s next in life

A desire for accountability in everyday life

Issues carrying out your wellness goals

get started

Ready to book an appointment? Select your option below.


Relieve Back Pain through Motor Control and Hip Mobility

Relieve Back Pain through Motor Control and Hip Mobility

Welcome in today! Phillip here on the blog again today, and I’m going to be doing an assessment today of my wife, Claire, our willing patient!  Before we get started, first, we’re going to talk about the physical therapy approach we’ll be using to analyze and...

3 Ways Sunshine Helps Hormones

3 Ways Sunshine Helps Hormones

Sunshine is more than just a natural light source; it's a powerful influence on our health and well-being. At Mitchell Holistic Health, we recognize that while many of us cherish sunny days for their warmth and brightness, the benefits of sunlight extend far beyond...

Wellness coaching for improving health and well-being

Wellness coaching for improving health and well-being

In today's fast-paced world, many people find it challenging to maintain their health and well-being. Between juggling work, family, and social commitments, self-care often falls by the wayside. This is where wellness coaching comes into play. Wellness coaching is a...

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