Are you drinking enough water?

Feb 8, 2023

What does water do to help your body function?

  • Protects from kidney diseases
  • Facilitates blood circulation
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Prevents digestive problems
  • Beautifies the skin
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Protects your heart

How much water should you drink?

Research shows that our bodies need half of our body weight in ounces at a minimum. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water. For reference, that is over 4.5 water bottles.

Do you not like the taste of water?

Try infusing your water with fruits, vegetables, and herbs! A popular choice is cucumber water. Benefits of cucumber water include: hydration alternative to sugar or sweetened drinks, supports digestion and detoxification, and provides some antioxidant and vitamins.

What does the research say?

The National Library of Medicine states that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

Babies, small children, and elderly populations are at most risk of dehydration. People with long-term health conditions such as diabetes or alcoholism are also at a higher risk of dehydration.

It is also known that the number one cause of daytime fatigue is dehydration. Many people gear towards coffee to help them stay awake when, in reality, that defeats the purpose of staying hydrated. The caffeine in coffee gives off a diuretic effect, meaning your body passes more fluid to urine, therefore, your body is not retaining as much water.

Meet with Claire!

Claire is a health coach and has a masters in human nutrition and functional medicine. She would love to meet with you and talk about nutrition, health related needs, and much more! Call today to schedule an appointment or hear more about what we offer!

Phone: (608) 313-53252



Instagram: mitchellholistichealth

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