Do you experience knee pain?

Nov 14, 2022

Here are some tips on why your knees might hurt…

  • Do your knees come in on squats and do they roll out when coming up from a squat?
  • Do you sit on a chair with your foot under your bottom?

These are 3 ways to strengthen your knees!

#1 Split Squats

  • Put one foot in the front-lunge position
  • Bend the back knee and squat with the front leg
  • Don’t take the back knee all the way to the floor if it causes pain. Start slow and work your way lower as strength improves

#2 Single-leg Squat

  • Try to balance on one foot by slightly lifting the opposite leg off of the floor as you squat. Don’t let your knee turn in as you squat
  • Return to a standing position and repeat the movement

#3 Shuffle Squat

  • Use a light band if available. If you don’t have a band, you can still do this without one.
  • In a squatting position, step to the right for 5-10 steps and then stop back to the left for 5-10 steps. Stay in a squatted position while moving

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