Flu Season Supplements

Nov 15, 2022

With flu season quickly approaching, we at Mitchell Holistic Health want to make sure you are prepared in the best possible way!

There are many vitamin names that circulate the internet or conversations but do you fully understand what they are, what they do, and how to best use them? Read further to get a better understanding of how to maximize the vitamins that are available to us!

Let’s start out with one we are most familiar with… Vitamin D

Do you know the difference between vitamin D and D3?

In simple terms, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. That is important because the two work together to help build up bones. Vitamin D3 in comparison is the natural form of vitamin D produced by the body from sunlight. D3 is the body’s preferred form to maximize effectiveness. The National Institute of Health published that ~42% of the U.S. population is deficient in Vitamin D. Being deficient will increase your risk for immune complications risking infection. 

Next, let’s highlight vitamin C and the benefits we can see from supplementing it. Vitamin C is a very important antioxidant. Antioxidants are important in protecting your cells against free radicals. Molecules with an uneven number of electrons that can easily react with other molecules are called free radicals and can contribute to numerous health problems, especially weakened immune systems. Antioxidants give up some of their electrons to neutralize free radicals, ultimately acting as an “off switch” for them. 

Zinc is an important mineral that plays a huge role when it comes to your immune system. Since your body doesn’t naturally produce zinc, it is important that it is within your diet. The way zinc helps with the immune system is that it develops and maintains the function of immune cells. 

N-Acetyl Cysteine is a precursor for glutathione, an antioxidant. Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant but the levels fluctuate. A poor diet, inactivity, and age cause glutathione levels to decrease. Supplementing with NAC will help replenish those levels reducing inflammation, and loosening mucus in your air passageways. 

Quercetin, an antioxidant, helps scavenge free radicals. Quercetin can be used to prevent and treat viral infections like the common cold and the flu. Zinc can also be shuttled with the aid of quercetin, thereby reaching more cells, and having a bigger effect.

OrthoMune is a supplement that contains all 5 of these! With only taking 2 pills of OrthoMune, your immune system will be ready to attack flu season head-on.

Check out our Instagram for more information!

To purchase OrthoMune, check out our website or follow this link to order.

Other ideas to consider…

  1. Prioritize sleep- aim for 7-9 hours each night 
  2. Manage stress 
  3. Stay active 
  4. Eat a high-quality diet abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

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