Hello, Spring Allergies

Apr 12, 2023

Spring is here and although the weather is beautiful and flowers are blooming, so are seasonal allergies.

For the month of April, we are offering a 25% discount on Natural D-Hist and D-Hist Jr.

There are several great ingredients in Natural D-Hist that can potentially help relieve allergy symptoms.

How can these ingredients be helpful during allergy season?

Vitamin C
  • Vitamin C acts as a natural antihistamine, reducing the amount of histamine in your body in response to allergens.
  • Can help reduce mild symptoms like sneezing, congestion, watery eyes, and runny nose.
Quercetin Dihydrate
  • Helps prevent immune cells from releasing too many histamines, which cause allergic reactions.
  • Acts as a powerful antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory properties, and can help relieve allergy symptoms.
Stinging Nettle Leaves
  • Can help reduce symptoms of hay fever by acting as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Can also inhibit histamine over-production related to inflammation.
  • A natural plant enzyme found in pineapple that can have anti-histamine properties.
N-Acetyl Cysteine
  • Can help to improve lung and respiratory tract conditions, alleviating allergy symptoms.

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