3 Reasons Why PT Didn’t Help You

Aug 5, 2024

Physical therapy can often be a beacon of hope for those dealing with chronic pain or mobility issues. Yet, for many, traditional physical therapy sessions may not yield the desired results, leading to frustration and unfinished treatments. Physical therapy not helping your conditions can be due to several reasons which we will explore, along with how our holistic and personalized approach, led by Dr. Cassidy Murphy, can turn things around for you.

Incomplete Diagnosis

One of the primary reasons of physical therapy not working is an incomplete diagnosis. Overburdened therapists often have limited time with each patient, leading to unfortunate but potential shortcuts and missed details. This rushed process can result in a misdiagnosis, creating ineffective treatment plans that do not address the root cause of the problem. Physical therapy not helping or not working can be incredibly frustrating, especially when it seems like no progress is being made.

Dr. Cassidy Murphy, who obtained her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Indiana Wesleyan University, understands the importance of a comprehensive approach. By taking the time to thoroughly understand each patient’s unique issues, Cassidy ensures a thorough diagnosis that leads to more effective treatment plans. Her commitment to identifying the source of pain or dysfunction helps her patients not just manage their symptoms but thrive in their daily lives. Whether it’s neck pain, joint pain, or musculoskeletal conditions, Cassidy’s detailed evaluations help uncover underlying issues that might be missed in a hurried consultation.

Inconsistent Effort

Another common issue is the overreliance on passive modalities during physical therapy. Passive modalities, such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and heat/ice treatments, can provide temporary relief but often do not contribute to long-term recovery when used excessively. This overreliance is one of the key reasons why therapy doesn’t work for many people. Effective physical therapy treatment should involve a balanced mix of passive and active techniques to ensure lasting improvements in pain and mobility. In pain management, the emphasis should be on active treatments, utilizing passive interventions as supportive measures rather than the mainstay of therapy.

Cassidy’s approach focuses on active, patient-engaged therapies that target the root cause of the symptoms. She incorporates various treatment options beyond temporary relief, aiming to enhance the patient’s overall physical well-being. By emphasizing active participation and tailored exercise plans, Cassidy ensures that her patients are not just passive recipients of care but active participants in their healing journey. Physical therapy exercises targeting specific issues such as chronic muscle tension, muscle weakness, and improving the range of motion are integral parts of her physical therapy program.

Lack of Personalized Care

Physical therapy often involves extensive homework – pages of exercises that can be overwhelming and difficult to adhere to consistently. This generic approach can be ineffective and discouraging, making patients feel as though physical therapy is not helping them. Effective physical therapy should focus on highly specific problems with targeted corrective exercises. Personalized care is crucial for addressing the unique needs of each patient, whether they are dealing with acute pain or chronic conditions.

Effective physical therapy should focus on highly specific problems with targeted corrective exercises. Cassidy designs personalized exercise plans that are manageable and directly address the individual’s needs. These exercises complement what is done during therapy sessions and are tailored to each patient’s unique condition, ensuring a clear understanding of their purpose and expected outcomes. For instance, exercises focusing on core muscles, bicep muscles, quadriceps muscles, and deeper muscles are designed to strengthen and stabilize the body, reducing the reliance on pain medications and providing more sustainable pain relief. Corrective exercises play a crucial role in minimizing the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and alleviating pain levels in older adults.

The Role of Patient Commitment

Successful physical therapy is a partnership between the therapist and the patient. Engagement and commitment from the patient are crucial for achieving the best results. This collaborative effort helps in maintaining consistency and dedication, which are often missing in cases where people wonder why physical therapy doesn’t work.

Importance of Engagement

Patient engagement is a cornerstone of effective physical therapy. It involves active participation in the treatment process, including following exercise routines, attending appointments, and communicating openly with the therapist. Studies have shown that patients who are highly engaged in their care tend to have better outcomes and experience faster recovery times.

Building a Partnership

Cassidy emphasizes the importance of building a strong partnership with her patients. By fostering a collaborative relationship, she ensures that her patients are motivated and actively involved in their treatment plans. Cassidy believes in open communication and mutual understanding as the foundation for successful therapy. This approach improves the treatment’s effectiveness and enhances the patient’s overall experience and satisfaction. Patient commitment is particularly important for those with pain in adults, patients with pain radiating, and those suffering from chronic muscle spasms and muscle weakness.

Limited Time Offer

To introduce you to this transformative approach, we are offering a discounted intake session for only $47 to the first 10 people who claim this offer by August 14. This session will allow you to experience firsthand the benefits of a holistic and personalized physical therapy approach. This is an excellent opportunity to begin a care plan that addresses your specific needs and aims for long-term improvements in pain and function.


At Mitchell Holistic Health, we understand that traditional physical therapy can sometimes fall short of delivering lasting relief and recovery. Our innovative approach to physical therapy services goes beyond treating symptoms to address the root causes of pain and dysfunction. By integrating holistic methods with personalized care plans, we ensure each patient receives comprehensive and effective treatment tailored to their unique needs. Our commitment to whole-person wellness and cutting-edge techniques makes us the ideal partner on your journey to optimal health and mobility.

If you’ve been frustrated by the lack of results from traditional physical therapy, it’s time to try something different. Dr. Cassidy Murphy’s holistic and comprehensive approach to physical therapy is designed to get to the root of your issues and help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer to start your journey toward a pain-free and thriving life. Contact us today to book your discounted intake session and discover the difference that personalized, whole-person care can make.

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