The Secret to Relieving Chronic Pain: Clearing the Spine with a Holistic Approach

Oct 21, 2024


I’m Dr. Philip Mitchell, a holistic physical therapist at Mitchell Holistic Health. Today, I want to let you in on one of the secrets I’ve learned in treating unresolved joint and chronic pain: clearing the spine. Every day, I see people who are desperate for relief from shoulder pain, hip discomfort, or knee problems, and many of them have tried every treatment under the sun without success. Approximately 50 million adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic pain, making it one of the most prevalent health issues in the country. As a physical therapist, I’ve found that a whole-body and holistic approach can make all the difference. I want to share what I’ve learned from years of working with these patients and how you can start moving pain-free with some simple techniques.

What It Means to Clear the Spine

You might be wondering, “What does it even mean to clear the spine?” Clearing the spine is a process of ruling out the possibility that your pain is actually coming from your neck or back — even if you’re feeling it somewhere completely different, like your shoulder, hip, or knee.

If you come in with neck or back pain, of course, we’ll look at your spine right away. But here’s the catch: people often show up with what we call extremity pain — discomfort in the arms, shoulders, legs, or hips — and nobody thinks to check their spine. You might have a therapist treat your hip when the problem is in your lower back or treat your shoulder when the issue is actually in your neck.

My approach is to ensure we aren’t just addressing symptoms but also identifying the source of your pain. The process of clearing the spine is simple but crucial: taking 5-10 minutes to screen your spine and see if that’s where the pain is really coming from. This means more than just checking a couple of movements; it could involve running through 20-30 repetitions of different movements to find out what your body responds to. The body has an incredible ability to heal itself, and it will tell us what’s wrong if we listen to it and test it properly.

A Story That Stands Out: From Elbow Pain to No Pain in One Visit

Let me share a story that comes to mind. When I was treating patients down in Alabama, a man came in with chronic elbow pain. He had already tried everything — multiple injections, imaging that showed tendonitis, you name it. Yet, despite all these treatments, he noticed his pain would move around, and it felt different every day. That didn’t add up to me; if you have tendonitis, your pain should be pretty consistent.

I decided to screen his neck. I told him, “I think this might be a neck problem, not an elbow issue.” By the end of that first visit, we were able to reduce his pain from a five out of ten to zero, and his elbow strength returned to normal. That’s not something that happens every day, but it just goes to show how much a spinal issue can masquerade as something else entirely.

I’ve seen similar patterns in countless cases — people who come in with hip pain that’s really coming from the lower back or patients who’ve had deep buttock pain misdiagnosed for years. As a physical therapist who takes a whole-person approach, I often find that many aches and pains are connected to the spine. Unless you clear the spine first, you’re just addressing the symptoms and not the root cause.

When Clearing the Spine Makes All the Difference

What I love most about my work as a physical therapist is that aha moment when a patient finally finds relief after years of suffering. I hear it all the time: “No one’s ever looked at me this way,” or “I didn’t know my back could be causing this pain.” Taking the time to screen the spine thoroughly in the very first visit is crucial to making sure we don’t miss something important, whether someone’s been in pain for two weeks or two decades.

One memorable case was a woman who’d had headaches on and off for 30 years. After just a few specific movements and three or four visits, those headaches — which she had been treating with endless Tylenol — started to vanish. It makes you think, how many painkillers and treatments could have been avoided if the spine was checked first?

Try These Two Exercises to Clear Your Spine

According to a study from the National Institutes of Health, new cases of chronic pain are more common among U.S. adults than new diagnoses of several other widespread conditions like diabetes, depression, and high blood pressure. In 2019, 20.4% of adults experienced chronic pain, and 7.4% had high-impact chronic pain severe enough to frequently limit life or work activities within a 3-month period. 

That’s why I don’t just want to talk about this concept; I want to give you some tools to try on your own. In just five minutes a day, you can start to see if your pain improves by incorporating some exercises that help clear the spine. Below are my two top exercises that I frequently recommend as a physical therapist who believes in empowering clients to take charge of their health.

1. The Chin Tuck: Relief for Neck and Shoulder Pain

If you’re experiencing shoulder blade pain, shoulder discomfort, or tingling down your arm, I often recommend the chin tuck exercise. Why? Because the nerves that run down your arm originate in the neck, and when the joints in your mid or lower neck aren’t functioning well, you’ll feel it somewhere in your arm or shoulder.

How to Perform the Chin Tuck:

  1. Sit up tall with good posture.
  2. Pull your chin straight back, as if you’re trying to make a “double chin.”
  3. Gently push your chin back to ensure full movement — not just a slight motion.
  4. Move your chin back and forth like this for one minute, five times a day.

It’s normal to experience some soreness as you do this, especially if your neck is the source of your symptoms. Think of it as your body waking up to heal.

2. The Press-Up: Targeting Hip, Knee, and Leg Pain

For pain that shows up in your hips, knee, or even down your leg, the press-up is my go-to move. This exercise helps clear your lumbar spine and addresses issues that might be causing extremity pain.

How to Perform the Press-Up:

  1. Lie flat on your belly, with your hands underneath your shoulders.
  2. Keep your lower back and glutes relaxed.
  3. Press your upper body up using your arms, and let your lower back relax and sag.
  4. Breathe out as you press up, aiming to extend your back as far as comfortably possible.

You should start to notice changes within one or two weeks. Some soreness is expected; remember, we’re addressing the source of your pain, and your body is adapting to heal.

When to Seek Help

If you notice that you’re starting to feel better but hit a plateau, that’s a good time to see a professional for a personalized evaluation. Everybody is different, and while these exercises may help most people, some need a different approach or additional exercise to keep progressing. A physical therapist who takes a whole-body approach can provide the guidance you need.

What’s Next: Understanding Directional Preference

Clearing the spine is just the beginning. I’ll be talking more in an upcoming video about directional preference, which is all about finding the movement or exercise that works best for your specific pain. About 70% of people have one particular movement that can change their symptoms dramatically in just a few weeks. I’m excited to dive into this topic because it can truly transform the way you manage your pain.


I hope this gives you a better understanding of clearing the spine and how it can help alleviate your chronic pain. Start by trying these simple exercises for your neck and lower back, and pay attention to how your body responds. Chronic pain doesn’t have to be a lifelong struggle; it may just be that nobody has taken the time to clear your spine and address the root cause.

If you find relief, great! If you need more personalized help, don’t hesitate to reach out to a physical therapist like me who can guide you through this process. Keep moving, stay pain-free, and look out for my next video on directional preference.


What is the benefit of clearing the spine compared to other physical therapy treatments?

Clearing the spine focuses on identifying the root cause of pain, which is often overlooked when treating extremity pain like shoulder, hip, or knee discomfort. By ensuring the spine is functioning properly, you address potential underlying issues instead of just treating symptoms. This holistic approach often leads to quicker and more effective pain relief.

How long does it take to see results from the spine-clearing exercises?

Many people start feeling improvement within the first few sessions or even after their initial attempts at the exercises. For most, noticeable changes can occur within one to two weeks, but it varies based on the individual. Consistency is key, and if you don’t see progress, working with a physical therapist who focuses on the whole person can help tailor the exercises to your needs.

Can clearing the spine help with pain I’ve had for years?

Absolutely! Even if you’ve had chronic pain for years, it’s possible that clearing the spine can bring significant relief. Whether it’s headaches, shoulder pain, or discomfort in your hips and legs, properly screening and addressing the spine can often alleviate pain that’s persisted for a long time.

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