5 Signs You Need a Burnout Coach: Identifying Your Stress

Apr 12, 2024


In today’s fast-paced world, distinguishing between the drive for career success and the edge of burnout is more challenging than ever. With the help of a burnout coach or a burnout prevention coach, individuals can navigate this thin line more effectively. Recognizing the signs of burnout and seeking burnout coaching are critical steps toward reclaiming not only your energy and productivity but also ensuring a healthier work-life balance. This blog delves deeper into understanding burnout, which affects 59% of workers in the US, identifying its causes, recognizing its signs, and how professional guidance can illuminate the path to a balanced and fulfilling life.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It manifests when an individual feels overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet ongoing demands. Burnout is increasingly becoming a global concern, with Gen Z, young millennials, and women reporting the highest levels of stress. This trend underscores the pressing need for effective strategies and interventions tailored to these vulnerable groups.

As the stress continues, motivation dwindles, productivity drops, and exhaustion takes over, making one feel increasingly helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful. The symptoms of burnout can have a profound impact on an individual’s physical health, emotional well-being, and mental health, leading to a critical need for effective burnout interventions and an action plan to navigate out of this state.

Common Causes Of Burnout

Common Causes Of Burnout

Work-Related Causes

77 percent of individuals have faced burnout in their current roles, with over half of them experiencing it on multiple occasions. Such figures shed light on the pervasive nature of burnout and the critical importance of recognizing its signs early.

A burnout prevention coach today might highlight several work-related triggers for burnout:

  • High Workload: Constant high demands in the workplace can lead to chronic exhaustion and emotional exhaustion. This, combined with career insecurity or career stagnation, can exacerbate feelings of burnout.
  • Lack of Control: Feeling powerless over your schedule, workload, or the ins and outs of your daily tasks can lead to decision fatigue and a decrease in employee well-being.
  • Insufficient Rewards: Not receiving adequate recognition or feeling disconnected from your career goals can diminish your drive and passion, leading to a sense of stagnation on the career ladder.
  • Lack of Community: A supportive workplace fosters social connections; its absence can lead to a sense of isolation.
  • Mismatched Values: A disconnect between your values and the demands of your role can create a relentless drain on your psyche.

Lifestyle Causes

Achieving a balanced life that aligns with personal goals requires understanding and managing lifestyle factors that contribute to burnout:

  • Work-Life Imbalance: Without a healthier work-life balance, work can consume your energy, leaving little for relationships or leisure, leading to emotional and physical fatigue.
  • Lack of Support: An accountability partner can provide the support needed to navigate daily stresses and prevent future burnout.
  • Taking on Too Many Responsibilities: Trying to take care of everything without adequate help can leave you feeling overstretched and stressed.

Personality Traits

Traits like perfectionistic tendencies and a fear of imperfection or failure can contribute significantly to burnout, often driving individuals to push themselves beyond their limits without adequate relaxation or self-care.

  • Perfectionistic Tendencies: The drive to complete everything perfectly can create a pressure cooker of stress.
  • Pessimistic View of Yourself and the World: Seeing the glass as perpetually half-empty can drain your energy and motivation.
  • High-achieving, Type A Personality: While ambition can be positive, it can also lead to burnout if not managed properly.

5 Signs You Are Burnout

Sign 1: Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue are key indicators of burnout, signaling that the body’s stress response has been overactivated for too long, affecting your energy levels and overall health.

This isn’t just the tiredness you feel after a long day or a bad night’s sleep. It’s a profound sense of exhaustion that doesn’t improve with rest. You may start your day feeling tired, struggle to muster the energy for tasks that once came easily, and find your reserves of motivation depleted. This relentless fatigue affects not only your physical but also your mental and emotional capacities, making everyday challenges seem insurmountable.

Sign 2: Decreased Performance

A noticeable decline in work or personal task performance can indicate burnout. Burnout coaching sessions can help identify manageable steps to recover performance and focus on career development.

If you notice a significant drop in your work or personal task performance, it could be a sign of burnout. Tasks that you previously managed with ease now seem to require a Herculean effort. Your concentration wanes, your productivity suffers, and the quality of your work diminishes. This decrease in performance can lead to a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety, as you struggle to meet expectations that once felt achievable.

Sign 3: Detachment and Isolation

Feeling detached from your job or personal life indicates a deep emotional impact, signaling the need for burnout coaching to reconnect with one’s surroundings on a deeper level.

Burnout can cause you to feel detached from your workplace, your colleagues, and even your relationships. This detachment is a defense mechanism, an attempt to protect yourself from stress by emotionally withdrawing. However, isolation only compounds the problem, severing the social support networks that are crucial for managing stress. If you find yourself pulling away from friends, family, and coworkers, it might be time to consider seeking help.

Sign 4: Frequent Illness

The weakened immune response, leading to frequent illnesses, underscores the physical toll of burnout and the necessity for a holistic approach to healing from burnout.

Chronic stress and burnout can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds, flu, and other infections. If you’re getting sick more frequently than usual, it’s a sign that your body is under severe stress and struggling to cope. This physical manifestation of burnout underscores the critical need for intervention to restore your health and well-being.

Sign 5: Pessimism and Loss of Enjoyment

Loss of enjoyment in activities and a pessimistic outlook can be significant signs of burnout, often requiring intervention from a burnout prevention coach to restore positive energy and joy.

Burnout can significantly alter your outlook on life, work, and relationships. Activities and hobbies that you once loved may no longer bring you joy. You might find yourself viewing the world through a lens of cynicism and pessimism, feeling like nothing you do makes a difference. This loss of enjoyment and negative outlook is a clear signal that burnout has taken a toll on your mental and emotional health.

The Role of a Life Coach in Burnout

The Role of a Life Coach in Burnout

A burn out coach provides not only formal training and hours of coach training but also an authentic and empathetic partnership. They can guide you through coaching sessions to develop an actionable plan for achieving a balanced life, setting personal and career goals, and adopting effective techniques such as physical exercise, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. This holistic approach addresses both the mental and physical aspects of burnout, offering proactive steps and strategies to build resilience against burnout.

Discover How Mitchell Holistic Health Can Guide You Out of Burnout

At Mitchell Holistic Health, we understand that achieving balance in life goes beyond mere physical health; it’s about nurturing your mental, emotional, and physical well-being in harmony. Our dedicated team offers personalized life coaching services designed to guide you toward a life of fulfillment, balance, and purpose. Recognizing the unique challenges posed by stress and anxiety, we also specialize in functional medicine for anxiety, a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of your anxiety, offering natural and effective strategies for healing.

At our clinic, we will leverage a wide range of burnout coaching expertise, from business coaching to burnout prevention coaching, and offer a bank of burnout masterclasses and tailored sessions that delve into your unique challenges. Whether you’re dealing with adrenal burnout or seeking to overcome chronic exhaustion, our coaching can help you navigate the burnout cycle, implement proactive steps for burnout prevention, and achieve a sustainable, fulfilling career and life balance.


Recognizing the need for a burnout coach and taking proactive steps to seek burnout coaching is crucial in breaking free from the cycle of burnout. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as chronic fatigue, decreased performance, detachment, frequent illness, or a loss of enjoyment, it’s time to seek guidance. A burnout coach can provide the support, strategies, and actionable plans you need to overcome burnout and reclaim your vitality and enthusiasm for life.


What happens during burnout recovery?

Burnout recovery, facilitated by burnout coaching, involves stages of acknowledging burnout, identifying its triggers, and implementing strategies for stress management and recovery. This process, supported by burnout interventions and a holistic approach, helps individuals regain balance and prevent future burnout.

What happens if you don’t treat burnout?

Ignoring burnout can lead to severe physical and mental health issues, including chronic exhaustion, emotional exhaustion, and a deterioration in overall life quality. Burnout management and prevention strategies are vital to avoid these outcomes.

How do you break the cycle of burnout?

Breaking the cycle of burnout involves identifying triggers, setting boundaries for a better work-life balance, engaging in self-care, and seeking support from a burnout coach. This approach helps create a more balanced and fulfilling life, preventing adrenal burnout and fostering resilience.

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