Want to start your New Year off Stress-Free? Try CopaCalm for the month of January for 40% off!
CopaCalm supports your body to maintain calmness and relaxation. It also promotes a balanced mood throughout the day as well as enhancing cognitive performance and memory.
Why is stress unhealthy?
Stress is very unhealthy in many ways. Chronic stress increases the risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, and much more. The body’s natural response to stress is to elevate blood pressure and heart rate. If these mechanisms prolong, your body is then at risk of cardiovascular disease.
How is digestion affected?
Digestion is also highly affected by stress. When your body is in a fight or flight situation (stress), digestion is suppressed so the body’s mechanisms involved in fight or flight are the main focus- putting digestion on the back burner. When digestion is suppressed, the intestines are not able to absorb as many nutrients, which in turn leads to a weakened immune system. Overall, stress causes a domino effect of negative physiological responses.
Neurotransmitter Balance
What’s great about CopaCalm is that it supports neurotransmitter balance. The reason why this is great is that neurotransmitters process and transmit information and neurotransmitter receptors are the gateways for communication between nerve cells. Stress causes an imbalance of these neurotransmitters which causes all the negative symptoms said above. CopaCalm will help you realign those important communication systems as well as many other benefits.
CopaCalm is our supplement of the month so it is 40% off in January. Click here to order yours today!