Top 6 Foods to Boost Skin Health

May 31, 2023

🐟Fatty Fish 



🌻Sunflower Seeds 

🥔Sweet Potato 

🫑Red or Yellow Bell Peppers 

🐟Fatty Fish 

▶ Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help to maintain skin health.

▶ Omega-3 fatty acids help keep skin thick, supple, and moisturized.

▶ Can reduce acne due to anti-inflammatory properties.


▶ Keeps skin flexible and moisturized.

▶ Can help protect your skin from UV damage, leading to fewer signs of aging.

▶ Great source of vitamin E, which helps protect your skin from oxidative damage.


▶ Richer than most other nuts in both omega-3 and omega-6.

▶ High in zinc, which aids in combating bacteria and inflammation.

▶ Provides some vitamin E and selenium.

🌻Sunflower Seeds 

▶ High in vitamin E, selenium, zinc, and protein.

▶ Can help premature aging and wrinkles, keeping your skin looking young and fresh.

▶ Rich in linoleic acid, which may help reduce total cholesterol and LDL levels.

🥔Sweet Potato 

▶ Rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A.

▶ Carotenoids (like beta-carotene) act as a natural sunblock. Be sure to still utilize mineral-based sunscreen as well.

🫑Red or Yellow Bell Peppers 

▶ One of the best sources of vitamin C, which is necessary for creating collagen.

▶ Collagen helps to keep skin firm and strong.

💧Water can help your body

▶Protects from kidney diseases

▶Facilitates blood circulation

▶Accelerates metabolism

▶Prevents digestive problems

Give your skin what it needs! 

❓Any Questions❓


📲(608) 313-5252 


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