
Understanding Functional Medicine Testing

Understanding Functional Medicine Testing

Have you ever wondered if there's a different way to understand your health? Traditional medicine sometimes doesn't have all the answers we need. That's where well-designed functional medicine comes in. It uniquely looks at your health, but the tests they use might...

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Sports Injuries

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Sports Injuries

Have you ever experienced the bitter disappointment of a sports injury? The kind that leaves you unable to participate in the activities you love and puts your athletic dreams on hold? If you're nodding your head, you understand the pain and frustration accompanying...

A Healthy Gut is Key to Optimal Health

A Healthy Gut is Key to Optimal Health

Your gut microbiome is comprised of trillions of bacteria living in your small and large intestines. The bacteria in your gut impacts practically everything about your health. Without healthy bacteria in your gut, you cannot thrive and be healthy. Your gut bacteria...

The Recipe for a Healthy Work-Life Balance

The Recipe for a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Stressful meetings, long hours, short lunch breaks, small cubicles and a fast paced environment saturate many workplaces, but it isn’t the recipe to staying healthy and productive. It often leaves us feeling stressed out, exhausted, brain-dead, and irritable. There...

A Holistic Approach to Physical Therapy

A Holistic Approach to Physical Therapy

Like all physical therapists, I got into the field because I love working with people and figuring out how to get people back to optimal health through the rehabilitation process. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing people get back to …

Vitamin B12 Importance

Vitamin B12 Importance

1️⃣ Helps maintain energy levels  ▶ B12 is needed to convert carbs to a usable energy source, glucose. Deficiency in B12 can lead to fatigue. 2️⃣ Aids in memory loss  ▶ B12 plays a role in nerve health and neurotransmitter signaling. This can lower the risk...

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