
Benefits of Reading

Benefits of Reading

As technology grows, many are becoming distracted and are turning away from reading books. There are numerous studies that show the negative effects of LED light on our brains. Negative side effects include headaches, eye strains, insomnia, sleep disturbances, and...

How to Stop Overeating

How to Stop Overeating

Do you find yourself eating quickly, in stressful situations, or binging TV? Some of those habits cause us to overeat which can lead to many negative health effects. In this blog, we will dive into why we overeat and how we can stop overeating.  The following are the...

Benefits of Walking

Benefits of Walking

Did you know that a simple task such as walking can have numerous health benefits? Research shows that walking 10 minutes a day is linked to longevity. There are also many more health benefits as well.  Obesity  Heart disease, hypertension, coronary artery...

Support Your Gut-Brain Axis 

Support Your Gut-Brain Axis 

Check out our previous post to learn about the gut-brain axis.  Now that you have information on what the gut-brain axis is, let's learn how we can support it!  There are numerous things that you can do to support your gut-brain axis, but today we are going to...

Gut-Brain Axis

Gut-Brain Axis

Did you know that you have a second brain in your body?  The enteric nervous system (ENS) is comprised of thousands of ganglia within the esophagus, intestines, stomach, pancreas, and gallbladder. The enteric nervous system is connected to the central nervous...

Are you drinking enough water?

Are you drinking enough water?

What does water do to help your body function? Protects from kidney diseases Facilitates blood circulation Accelerates metabolism Prevents digestive problems Beautifies the skin Strengthens immunity Protects your heart How much water should you drink? Research shows...

Learn how to boost your child’s immune system with ViraKid! 

Learn how to boost your child’s immune system with ViraKid! 

Children are surrounded by germs constantly and their immune systems are weak to begin with. ViraKid can help boost their immune systems and be supportive when germs come their way!  There are many things that ViraKid can help with. Most importantly, ViraKid provides...

Start feeling more relaxed and fearless!

Start feeling more relaxed and fearless!

CopaCalm is 40% off for the month of January and we are going to highlight its great benefits! GABA is the main ingredient in CopaCalm. Continue reading to learn why GABA is so important. Many people have heard of GABA but do you understand what it means and the...

Fire Cider and Bone Broth Benefits

Fire Cider and Bone Broth Benefits

Fire Cider  Fire cider is an herbal tonic that can increase immunity, help relieve nasal congestion, help digestion, and warm up your body on a cold day.  Basic recipes include… horseradish, ginger, garlic, onions, and hot peppers dissolved in apple cider...

Are you experiencing shoulder pain?

Are you experiencing shoulder pain?

Do you have a constant knot under your shoulder blade?  Here is a quick tip: the problem is coming from your neck!  We constantly move in the upper part of our neck whereas the lower part doesn't move at all. This is the reason why we are experiencing...

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